Forest of Flowers Bouquet
Imagine her joy when she receives this enchanting array of roses, lilies, carnations and more in a lustrous keepsake vase. A Forest of Flowers Bouquet elegantly presented in a vase.
Say thank you for their tender loving care with this beautiful arrangement. Any nurse, caregiver, friend would be proud to receive this vase of artfully arranged roses, carnations, alstroemeria, lilies and much more.
Illuminate a special birthday with this stunning collection of the season’s prettiest pink, purple and fuchsia flowers, all captured in an elegant keepsake vase. She will be talking about it for weeks.
Useful Facts of Bright Blue Skies Bouquet:
Flowers arrive in a stylish keepsake vase.
We attach a free gift card with your personal message.
You may add a plush teddy bear, balloons, or chocolates to your order based on availability. Please contact customer service for more information.
Same day delivery is available if you place your order by 2 pm in your recipient’s time zone, M-F and by 1 pm on Saturday.
Gift Baskets Windsor Flower Delivery Specs
In the first place all flower bouquets are freshly cut and set expertly. Indeed, we always hand deliver all our flower gifts. Our nearby local design center in Windsor arranges the delivery without delay. With attention to prompt delivery we organize standard deliveries between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Our florists select the freshest flowers available. Exact flowers and vase may vary reliant upon local supplies. We always promise adamant high quality.
Presentation Upgrade for this Flower Gift
To elevate the look of your present, we offer bouquet size upgrades. Moreover, you can also add gifts to your flower bouquet to uplift the presence of your gift. Please contact customer service for any special requests.
Further we are listing some suitable pairings with this gift.
Symbolic meanings of flowers
As a matter of fact, many flowers have important symbolic meanings in Western culture. Some of the more common examples are:
Red roses in fact are given as a symbol of love, beauty, and passion.
Poppies are a symbol of comfort in time of death. In the Europe, Australia and Canada, red poppies are worn to honor heroes of the war.
Irises and Lilies are referring to “rebirth/life” as a symbol in burials. Whereas it is also associates with stars, like the sun and its petals blooming/shining.
Daisies are mostly a symbol of purity. This flower not only represent purity but also motherhood, and new beginnings.
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