Receiving Golden Nugget Chocolate Gift Basket will be like a found treasure with it’s golden looks and the nice treats they will find in that gold metal container.
This sweet and elegant gift will be a nice treat for a friend or family member who you care dearly about.
Golden Nugget Chocolate Gift Basket includes: Almond biscotti, Chocolate pretzels, Fontazzi butter toffee pretzels, Belgian truffles, Bellagio gourmet mocha mix 2 servings, Assorted fruit candy, Flavored gourmet coffee, Lindt Lindor truffles, Ferrero Rocher and more!
The gift package is adorned with silk flower and tied with gold sheer ribbon and your Christmas message will be arriving on a stunning card.
Send your golden greeting this Christmas season with our gourmet Golden Nugget Chocolate Gift Basket. Filled with all gourmet deliciousness found in a stunning gold metal basket featuring Lindt Lindor truffles, Ferrero Rocher (everyone’s favourite spherical chocolate this holiday), assorted fruit candy, flavored gourmet coffee, Belgian truffles and more wonderful gifts.
A unique yet very professional design makes a wonderful thank you gift to all of your clients. Tis’ the season to say Thank You to all who have done an outstanding job throughout the year whether for one project or in their department. A little gift of appreciation goes a long way.
Send your golden gift and enjoy the Holidays with Family, Friends, and Colleagues.